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My Body, My Temple

Private Cord Removal

2 hr
From 125 US dollars

Service Description

Distance healing is like wireless technology. Another way to consider distance healing is that it works through quantum interconnectedness. My Body, My Temple - Removing Energy Cords & Connections (Removing Energy Cords, Unhealthy Attachments, Energetic Hooks and Implants, Uprooting @ the Root Chakra, Removing Etheric Artifacts such as Ropes and Shackles at the Neck, Wrists and Ankles) IMPORTANT NOTE: It is important to clarify that this service is NOT to be mistaken for demonic entity removal services. Etheric cords are made of astral and etheric energy and connect two people’s subtle bodies. They stretch between two people very much like an umbilical cord. These connections can serve as a communication or transfer of energy between people. It does not matter how far away the other person is, since the cord is not a physical substance and distance is irrelevant, so it is still effective from the other side of the planet. Etheric Cords can be created between any two people or even groups of people that have emotional relationships. Friends, workmates, enemies can all have cords. These connections can be the source of an energy leaks or drain of our energy. Deep caring between people and even resentment and judgement can bind people together through etheric attachments. These cords are visible during meditation and those who have seen them remarked that they are generally dark in color. Your own energetic field is constantly interacting with everyone and everything around you. Protecting your energy everyday should be part of self care. Hooks are formed when you allow other people to “hook” into your energy. One way others do this is by saying hurtful things. Past sexual partners can be a big drain on your energy through cords. Even strangers can create cords or hooks with you. Facebook is a great place to have strangers hooking into your energy. The Agenda for this session is as follows: Removing Energy Hooks at the head that effect our perceptions and way of thinking Removing Energy Hooks and Cords along the upper and middle spine Removing Cords that diminish our personal power at the Solar Plexus Uprooting at the Root and Sacral Chakra's to remove energy connections to previous intimate partners Removing etheric artifacts Such as Ropes and Shackles at the ankles, hands, neck Sessions are scheduled individually based on availability.

Cancellation Policy

For Private Sessions, cancellations will incur a $25 cancellation Fee when not made more than 2 Days in advance.

Contact Details

(559) 284-8400

Fresno, CA 2080 N Winery Ave suite 101, Fresno, CA, USA

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