Chakra Balance
Private Distance Session
Service Description
The Agenda will be to balance each individual Chakra's where I will be working close to the body. The Chakra system is a network that processes and metabolizes the subtle energy produced by the body. The includes the main energy vortexes within the body. They are extremely important for orchestrating the life force energy of the body. Everything is interrelated. The Biofield inner penetrates the physical body. In order to function at their best, Chakra's need to be open, balanced and aligned. 1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) Emotional Trauma: Fear and Insecurity: Traumas related to basic survival needs, such as food, shelter, and safety. Abandonment: Experiences of neglect or feeling unsupported. Financial Stress: Anxiety and stress related to money and financial stability. 2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) Emotional Trauma: Sexual Abuse: Traumas involving sexual violence or exploitation. Emotional Suppression: Repression of emotions and feelings. Relationship Issues: Pain from unhealthy relationships, codependency, or betrayal. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) Emotional Trauma: Low Self-Esteem: Experiences that undermine confidence and self-worth. Powerlessness: Feeling helpless or out of control. Shame and Guilt: Internalized feelings of shame or guilt from past actions or experiences. 4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) Emotional Trauma: Heartbreak: Emotional pain from loss or rejection in relationships. Grief: Deep sorrow from the death of a loved one or significant loss. Lack of Love: Feeling unloved or unlovable, often stemming from childhood experiences. 5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Emotional Trauma: Silencing: Being unable to speak up or express oneself, often due to suppression by others. Lies and Deceit: Experiences of being lied to or deceived. Communication Issues: Trauma related to public speaking, being misunderstood, or fear of judgement. 6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Emotional Trauma: Confusion and Doubt: Traumas that cause a lack of clarity or difficulty trusting one's intuition. Illusions: Experiences that distort perception and reality. Psychic Attacks: Trauma from negative spiritual experiences or manipulation. 7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Emotional Trauma: Spiritual Disconnection: Feeling disconnected from the divine or a higher purpose. Existential Crisis: Deep questioning of life’s meaning or purpose. Isolation: Profound feelings of loneliness or separation from others and the universe.

Cancellation Policy
For Private Sessions, cancellations will incur a $25 cancellation Fee when not made more than 2 Days in advance.
Contact Details
(559) 284-8400
Fresno, CA 2080 N Winery Ave suite 101, Fresno, CA, USA